Minggu, 29 November 2015



1.    Among the following substances belonging solution is ...
a. Syrup and coconut milk
b. Kanji and fish oil
c. Water and alcohol
d. Kanji and soapy water

2.    The element potassium and calcium denoted by ...
a. K and Ka     c. C and Ca
b. Ka and K    d. K and Ca

3.        The chemical name of the compound CCl4 is ...
a.       Monokarbon klorida
b.      Karbon tetraklorida
c.       Karbon klorida
d.      Tetrakarbon klorida

4.    Here is a mixture, unless ...
a.       sea water        c.water
b.       Air                 d. land

5.        Among the following compounds that amount of constituent atoms together is...
a.        Pb(NO)3 and NaNO3
b.      CH3 and C2H4
c.       CH3COOH and NH4Cl
d.      Na3PO3  and Fe(OH)3

6.     Coat the element that is used today is the idea of …
a.       Dalton                                    C. Mendeleev
b.      Berzellius                   D. Rutherford
7.        The chemical formula of the drug ulcer or magnesium hydroxide is...
a.       Ma(OH)2
b.      MgOH
c.       NaOH
d.      Mg(OH)2
8.        pH which indicates that a substance is alkaline is ...
a.       pH = 7                        c. pH < 7
b.      pH > 7                        d. pH ≥ 7

9.    The chemical formula of hydrochloric acid is ..
a.       NH3                  c. HCl
b.      CaCO3                        d. NaCl

10.    The single substance that can not be broken down into other substances called ....
a. elements                       c. molecule
b. compound                    d. mix
11.    Asam yang beraksi dengan basa akan menghasilkan …
a.       garam                     c. garam dan air
b.      air                          d. garam dan gas
12.    The acid reacts with bases will generate ...
a. salt                     c. salt and water
b. water                 d. salt and gas
13.              Is :
(1) filter paper             (5) turmeric
(2) Litmus Paper         (6) tomatoes
(3) Interest shoes
(4) jasmine
From the above data, the materials that can be used as an acid-base indicator is….
a.        1, 2, and 6
b.       2, 3, and 5
c.        3, 4, and 5
d.       2, 3, and 6
14.              Particles preparation is indistinguishable mentioned mixture...
a. fixed                  c. smooth
b. homogeneous    d. heterogeneous
15.    The following is a natural indicator, except ...
a. hibiscus flower
b. litmus paper
c. fenolthalain
d. orange metal

16.    The composition of atoms contained within an ammonia (NH3) is ….
a.        1 atom nitrogen and 3 atom hidrogen
b.      1 atom hydrogen and 3 atom nitrogen
c.       1 atom natrium and 3 atom hidrogen
d.      1 atom nitrogen and 3 atom helium
17.    Methane is composed of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Then the chemical formula...
a. HCl4                  c. KH4
b. COH4                d. CH4
18.    Orange-flavored syrup contain high levels of citric acid 3%. Each 300 ml of syrup contained citric acid as much as ...
a.       1 mL               c. 9 mL
b.      6 mL               d. 27 mL

19.    Contoh campuran heterogen adalah…
a.       Tanah dan air sungai
b.      Sirup dan larutan gula
c.       Stainless steel dan emas putih
d.      Adonan kue dan larutan garam

20.    Perhatikan sifat berikut:
1). Bersifat netral
2).  Tidak dapat menghantarkan listrik
3). Dihasilakan dari reaksi asam dan basa
4). Bersifat korosif
Sifat garam ditunjukan oleh nomor ...
a.       1 dan 3                       c. 1 dan 4

b.      1,2 dan 3        d. 1, 3, dan 4


  1. The units of the international system for temperature is ...
a.       Kelvin
b.      Candela
c.       Celcius
d.      Fahrenheit
  1. If the centigrade scale measured a temperature of 400C on a scale equal to the temperature Fahreinheit ...
a.       400F                       c. 1040F
b.      720F                       d.  560F
  1. If the density of wood 0,24 g/cm3, the mass of 2 m3 timber volume is...
a.       480 kg                   c. 48 kg
b.      120 kg                   d. 12 kg
  1. The temperature of 300 kelvin equals ...
a.       270C = 80,6 0F
b.      80 0C = 27 0F
c.       27 0C= 32 0F
d.      27 0C= 172 0F
  1. The amount of physics which states degree heat of a substance is...
a. calor
b. Luminous intensity
c. Temperature
d. coefficient of expansion
  1. The mass per unit volume is called...
a. Specific gravity
b. Density
c. Relative density
d. Mass Relative
  1. Agis measure the length of the table with the rope. Agis said measure by using the unit...
a. standard
b. Non standard
c. principal
d. Derivative
  1. Volum sebuah benda 8 cm3 ditimbang massanya 84 gram, maka massa jenisnya adalah...
    a. 10,5 gr/cm3 
    b. 8,5 gr/cm3 
    c. 6,4 gr/cm3 
    d. 4,8 gr/cm3 
  2. The center line the inside of a pipe was measured using...
a. micrometer screw
b. Meter
c. ruler
d. Vernier calipers
  1. The temperature of an object 77oF. If the body temperature is measured with a thermometer Celsius, it will indicate the temperature …..
a.       17oC                   c. 45 oC
b.      25 oC                  d. 109 oC

  1. In weighing the mass of weights x is …

In weighing the mass of weights x is …
a. 20 gram               c. 150 gram
b. 100 gram             d. 200 gram
13.              Rising kerosene wick stove is one of the symptoms of...
a. yawn
b. Absorption
c. capillarity
d. Sublimes
14.              Percobaan berikut dilakukan untuk memperkirakan massa jenis suatu benda, setelah ditimbang, benda dimasukkan ke dalam gelas ukur. Tentukan massa jenis benda tersebut! 
a.       1,25 gr/cm3                          c. 3,5 gr/cm3
b.      1,5 gr/cm3                     d. 2,0 gr/cm3

15.              Bentuk permukaan air didalam tabung reaksi yang berbedan dengan bentuk permuakaan raksa didalam tabung reaksi karena ...
a.       Pada tabung berisi raksa adhesi lebih kecil dari pada kohesi
b.      Pada tabung berisi raksa adhesi lebih besar dari pada kohesi
c.       Pada tabung berisi air adhesi sama dengan kohesi
d.      Pada tabung berisi air kohesi lebih besar daripada adhesi
16.              A cube has a mass of 64 kg and a density of 8,000 kg / m3. Side of the cube is...
a.       8 cm                  c. 2 cm
b.      4 cm                  d. 1 cm
17.               Data massa jenis beberapa bahan logam diberikan pada tabel berikut:
Massa Jenis (kg/m3)
Budi memiliki 4 batang logam dengan ukuran yang sama masing-masing volumenya 50 cm3.
Batang logam yang terbuat dari emas murni adalah....
a. (i)                                                c. (iii)
b. (ii)                                   d. (iv)

18.              The measuring instrument that can be used to measure the diameter of the cylinder and thoroughness mecapai 0.05 mm. The measuring instrument is...
a. micrometer screw
b. Vernier calipers
c. ruler
d. meter
19.              Raksa termasuk zat cair karena memiliki ciri-ciri...
  1. Bentuknya tetap dan volumenya tetap
  2. Bentuknya tetap dan volumenya tidak tetap
  3. Bentuknya tidak tetap dan volumenya tetap
  4. Bentuknya dan volumenya tidak tetap
20.              Mosquitoes can perch on the surface of the water because...
a. capillary force
b. The surface tension of liquids
c. Adhesion
d. Cohesion

1. The food must be ingested in order to sari-sari can be absorbed by our body organs. Maintenance of food takes place in ...
a. Mouth, stomach and intestines
b. Esophagus, stomach and intestines
c. Mouth, esophagus and stomach
d. Mouth, kidney and stomach
2. In the process of photosynthesis produces ...
a. Protein                 c. fat
b. Carbohydrates     d. Vitamin
3. Internal factors affecting living things is ...
a. Air temperature and humidity
b. Rainfall and food
c. Surrounding environment
d. Descent / genesis
4. The lens on the microscope preparations are close to the lens ...
a. Ocular                 c. Convex
b. Objective                        d. Sunken
5. The instrument used to measure the wind speed is ...
a. Atmometer                      c. Anemometer
b. Thermometer                  d. pH meter
6. Amoeba and hydra reproduce in ...
a. Sexual                 c. Vegetative
b. Generative                      d. Spore
7. The definition of irritability is ...
a. The ability of living creatures to catch its prey
b. The ability of living creatures to breathe
c. The ability of living creatures to accept the stimulus
d. The ability of living creatures to look for water sources
8. For the rest of the exchange of substances in the body substance is not harmful to all living beings do ...
a. Reproduction      c. Excretion
b. Adaptation                      d. Respiration
9. The exchange of air and plants are ...
a. Chlorophyll                     c. Root
b. Stomata               d. Thorn
10. Cars and motorcycles not including living things, because ...
a. Not the breed
b. Unable to move
c. Does not require fuel
d. Not excrete combustion
11. Here is a kingdom of living beings, except ...
a. Monera                c. Plantae
b. Fungi                   d. Virus
12. The purpose of the classification of living things is ...
a. Give the name of each kind of living creature
b. Determining the origin of life-style creature
c. Determine the benefits of living beings
d. Facilitate the introduction of living things
13. The order level taxon from high to low is ...
a. Genus-divisio-familia-genus-species
b. Genus-clasis-familia-order-divisio
c. The Order-divisio-familia-genus-species
d. Divisio-clasis-order-familia-species
14. In order to make their own food, green plants require ...
a. Oxygen and water
b. Carbon dioxide and water
c. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
d. Carbon dioxide and sugars
15. Living beings following can make their own food is ...
a. Earthworms
b. Red mushroom
c. Human
d. Alang - alang
16. Living organisms require oxygen taken from the air to produce energy. This is a - typical characteristics that living things ...
a. Grow
b. Breathing
c. Digestion
d. Movement
17. The lowest level of classification of plants and animals is ....
a. kingdom              c. class
b. species                d. division

18. phylum in the animal classification referred to as ....
a. divisio c. Order
b. genus d. species

19.  Saat bernafas, terjadi pertukaran gas dalam tubuh kita. Dimanakah pertukaran gas tersebut terjadi?
a.   Jantung
b.   Hati
c.   Paru-paru
d.   Ginjal
 20.               Proses pernafasan sebenarnya adalah proses….
a. menghirup karbondioksida.
b.   menghirup oksigen dan melepaskan karbon dioksida.
c.   melepaskan oksigen.
d.   melepaskan oksigen dan menghirup karbon dioksida